Submissions from 2025
Paleoecology Perspectives for Planetary Health, Brett R. Bayles
Submissions from 2024
Assessment of salivary cadmium levels and breast density in the Marin Women's Study, Michaela F. George, Shayne Paff, Jenyse Rojo, Mark Powell, Christopher Benz, Karl Pope, Karla Kerlikowske, John Shepard, Matthew Willis, Rochelle Ereman, and LeeAnn Prebil
Planetary health learning objectives: foundational knowledge for global health education in an era of climate change., Kathryn H. Jacobsen, Caryl E Waggett, Pamela Berenbaum, Brett R. Bayles, Gail L. Carlson, René English, Carlos A. Faerron Guzmán, Meredith L. Gartin, Liz Grant, Thomas L. Henshaw, Lora L. Iannotti, Philip J Landrigan, Nina Lansbury, Hao Li, Maureen Y Lichtveld, Ketrell L McWhorter, Jessica E. Rettig, Cecilia J. Sorensen, Eric J Wetzel, Dawn Michele Whitehead, Peter J. Winch, and Keith Martin
Submissions from 2021
A framework to guide planetary health education., Carlos A. Faerron Guzmán, A. Alonso Aguirre, Barbara Astle, Enrique Barros, Brett R. Bayles, Moses Chimbari, Naglaa El-Abbadi, Jessica Evert, Finola Hackett, Courtney Howard, Jonathan Jennings, Amy Krzyzek, Jessica LeClair, Filip Maric, Olwenn Martin, Odipo Osano, Jonathan Patz, Teddie Potter, Nicole Redvers, Noortje Trienekens, Sarah Walpole, Lynda Wilson, Chenchen Xu, and Matthew Zylstra
Phased Return of Students to 77 Transitional Kindergarten-8th Grade Schools with Cohesive Mitigation Strategies Serving as Protective Factors Against the Increase of COVID-19 Cases in Marin County: September 2020-January 2021, Shayne Q. Paff, Rochelle Ereman, Lisa Santora, Bethany Dominik, Alana McGrath, Jasmine Soriano, Charis Baz, Matthew Willis, and Michaela George
Submissions from 2020
Impact of the First COVID-19 Shelter-in-place Order in the United States on Emergency Department Utilization, Marin County, California, Brett R. Bayles, Michaela George, Haylea Hannah, Patti L. Culross, Rochelle Ereman, Dustin W. Ballard, and Matthew Willis
Spatiotemporal dynamics of vector-borne disease risk across human land-use gradients: examining the role of agriculture, indigenous territories, and protected areas in Costa Rica, Brett R. Bayles, Andria Rusk, Rebecca Christofferson, Gabriellah Agar, Maria Alvarez Pineda, Bobin Chen, Kiera Dagy, Emma Kelly, Tyler Hummel, Kira Kuwada, Serena Martin, Alec Murrer, and Carlos Faerron Guzmán
Spatiotemporal trends of cutaneous leishmaniasis in Costa Rica., Brett R. Bayles, Andria E Rusk, Maria Alvarez Pineda, Bobin Chen, Keira Lee Dagy, Tyler Hummel, Kira Kuwada, Serena Martin, and Carlos Faerron Guzmán
More on Covid-19 in Immune-Mediated Inflammatory Diseases., Farren B. S. Briggs, Milena A. Gianfrancesco, and Michaela F. George
Submissions from 2017
Spatiotemporal dynamics of the Southern California Asian citrus psyllid (Diaphorina citri) invasion., Brett R. Bayles, Shyam M. Thomas, Gregory S. Simmons, Elizabeth E. Grafton-Cardwell, and Mathew P. Daugherty
Engagement and outcomes in a digital Diabetes Prevention Program: 3-year update., S Cameron Sepah, Luohua Jiang, Robert J. Ellis, Kelly McDermott, and Anne L. Peters
Submissions from 2016
Multiple sclerosis risk loci and disease severity in 7,125 individuals from 10 studies., Michaela George, Farren B. S. Briggs, Xiaorong Shao, Milena A. Gianfrancesco, Ingrid Kockum, Hanne F. Harbo, Elisabeth G. Celius, Steffan D. Bos, Anna Hedström, Ling Shen, Allan Bernstein, Lars Alfredsson, Jan Hillert, Tomas Olsson, Nikolaos A. Patsopoulos, Philip L. De Jager, Annette B. Oturai, Helle B. Søndergaard, Finn Sellebjerg, Per S. Sorensen, Refujia Gomez, Stacy J. Caillier, Bruce A. C. Cree, Jorge R. Oksenberg, Stephen L. Hauser, Sandra D'Alfonso, Maurizio A. Leone, Filippo Martinelli Boneschi, Melissa Sorosina, Ingrid van der Mei, Bruce V. Taylor, Yuan Zhou, Catherine Schaefer, and Lisa F. Barcellos
Submissions from 2009
Genome-wide association analysis of susceptibility and clinical phenotype in multiple sclerosis., Sergio E. Baranzini, Joanne Wang, Rachel A. Gibson, Nicholas Galwey, Yvonne Naegelin, Frederik Barkhof, Ernst-Wilhelm Radue, Raija L. P. Lindberg, Bernard M. G. Uitdehaag, Michael R. Johnson, Aspasia Angelakopoulou, Leslie Hall, Jill C. Richardson, Rab K. Prinjha, Achim Gass, Jeroen J. G. Geurts, Jolijn Kragt, Madeleine Sombekke, Hugo Vrenken, Pamela Qualley, Robin R. Lincoln, Refujia Gomez, Stacy J. Caillier, Michaela George, Hourieh Mousavi, Rosa Guerrero, Darin T. Okuda, Bruce A. C. Cree, Ari J. Green, Emmanuelle Waubant, Douglas S. Goodin, Daniel Pelletier, Paul M. Matthews, Stephen L Hauser, Ludwig Kappos, Chris H. Polman, and Jorge R. Oksenberg
Quality of life in multiple sclerosis is associated with lesion burden and brain volume measures., E M. Mowry, A Beheshtian, E Waubant, D S. Goodin, B A. Cree, P Qualley, R Lincoln, Michaela George, R Gomez, S L. Hauser, D T. Okuda, and D Pelletier
Genotype-Phenotype correlations in multiple sclerosis: HLA genes influence disease severity inferred by 1HMR spectroscopy and MRI measures., D T. Okuda, R Srinivasan, J R. Oksenberg, D S. Goodin, S E. Baranzini, A Beheshtian, E Waubant, S S. Zamvil, D Leppert, P Qualley, R Lincoln, R Gomez, S Caillier, Michaela George, J Wang, S J. Nelson, B A C Cree, S L. Hauser, and D Pelletier