The Evolutionary Epic: Science's Story and Humanity's Response
The essays in this book take you from the struggles of our primitive ancestors on the savannahs of Africa to a mountain climber’s epiphany on the snow-capped heights of the Andes, from the mysteries of the quantum world to the vast reaches of the universe. Begin with a story of humanity’s evolution from primeval stardust to planetary stardom. Then explore the emergence of the story through scientific research and wonder. View the multi-faceted story through unexpected lenses and follow the story as it is engages education, becoming a vital part of the enlightenment of young minds. Finally, experience the story as it shifts our scientific and cultural paradigms, serves our quest for a brighter future, and enriches humanity’s imaginative and spiritual dimensions. The Evolutionary Epic Science's Story and Humanity's Response Edited by Cheryl Genet, Russell Genet, Brian Swimme, Linda Palmer & Linda Gibler Foreword by David Christian
Publication Date
Sheridan Books