"Baudrillart," "Blum," "Freundlich," "Gerlier," and "Jeunesse ouvrière chrétienne,"
Contribution to a Book
Publication Date
Greenwood Press
The most comprehensive reference work in its field, this book covers a broad range of topics―military, political, economic, social, painting, literature, music, cinema, dance, theater, sports, and daily life―related to France and her empire during World War II. Starting with the 1938 Munich Crisis and continuing through the 1940 defeat, Occupation, Vichy, Resistance, Liberation, and the establishment of the post-Liberation Provisional Government, the work also addresses such legacies of the wartime experience as the role of former President Fran^D,cois Mitterrand and the trial of former Vichy official Maurice Papon.
Designed to be the reference of first recourse for those interested in World War II France, the book's focus on Occupation, Vichy, and the French Resistance will familiarize the reader with the most recent historical interpretations of French life during a troubled and dramatic period. The work will also introduce the reader to many of the controversies concerning collaboration and resistance, which have stirred postwar French public discourse to the present day. The book is also a bibliographic guide for those who would like to know more about the period.
~publisher's description~
Book Title
Historical Dictionary of World War II France: the Occupation, Vichy, and the Resistance (1938-1946)
Bertram M. Gordon
Westport, CT
Historical Dictionaries of French History