Simulated Driving Performance of Teens With ADHD, ASD, and ADHD–ASD
Contribution to a Book
Publication Date
AOTA Press
Driving simulators can detect driving impairments for medically at-risk drivers of all ages and assist in functional rehabilitation. This comprehensive new work provides extensive knowledge, practical guidance, and current evidence on the appropriate use of simulators.
Chapters highlight driving performance issues, assessed via driving simulators, for healthy teens and those with autism, ADHD, or dual diagnoses. They also discuss simulator use and returning combat veterans, adults, and older adults, including those with stroke, Parkinson's disease, multiple sclerosis, epilepsy, and dementia, and how these conditions adversely affect driving performance.
This first book of its kind explains the cutting-edge role of technological applications of vehicle automation and application during driving simulation. Seasoned practitioners share the strategies for effective documentation to optimize reimbursement, risk management, and ethical practice to equip this generation of health care professionals—who are boldly embracing driving technology in their practices—in a rigorous and sound way. A flash drive contains videos of driving simulations.
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Book Title
Driving simulation for assessment, intervention, and training : a guide for occupational therapy and health care professionals
Sherrilene Classen
Bethesda, MD