"College-Prep-For-All Curriculum: is It An Option for the North Bay?" by Edward Kujawa, Madalienne Peters et al.

Document Type

Conference Proceeding


North Bay Leadership Council's Econmomic Insight Conference


Petaluma, CA

Publication Date





The report concludes with suggestions for future research. Much of the current research details the successes of high school graduates in attending and completing post-secondary education, but there exists a need for longitudinal studies tracking students from an early age, through their elementary, middle and high school experience, and on to their college attendance and careers. In comparing schools that have implemented strides toward College-Prep-For-All policies versus those that remain status quo, what possible differences develop for students and the local economy? Furthermore, how can the North Bay glean aspects of successful college- and career-ready programs for their schools? The goal is to not only increase the economic health and well-being of the community, but also that of individual students‘ lives.
