OT, SLP, AT & the IEP…Making Sense of the Alphabet Soup

Document Type



National Fragile X Foundation [website]

Publication Date



Occupational Therapy


Creating an IEP – or Individualized Educational Program – can be an incredibly confusing and daunting experience. The “alphabet soup” of acronyms and legalese often increases the anxiety and uneasiness for families. There are often many professionals in the room, some just popping in and out during the meeting, and families can feel isolated and not fully part of the process. One way to offset these feelings is to prepare ahead of time. We’ve designed this article to be an at-a-glance format, combining our professional expertise and some handy resources. This information is presented via FAQs (more alphabet soup for frequently asked questions) and IEP insider tips. In addition, we have included voices and insights of families from the NFXF community and their perspectives based on personal, first-hand experiences about the IEP process. We’ve kept the families anonymous and sincerely thank them for their valuable comments and suggestions. All family contributions are italicized so you can quickly find them. Be sure to check out the many handy resources at the end. It is our sincere hope that families can find some helpful information to aid them in confidently participating in your child’s IEP as a key member of the team.


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