Graduation Date
Document Type
Senior Thesis
Degree Name
Bachelor of Arts
Communication and Media Studies
Department or Program Chair
Bradley Van Alstyne, MA
First Reader
John Duvall, PhD
This study used content analysis to review the social media marketing strategies of the organic food industry. The results reveal which social media channels are being used and which social media marketing strategies are being used. Qualitative techniques were used to generate a pool of eight organic companies. The social media channels used were highlighted by Chanthinok, Ussahawanitichakit, and Jhundra-indra (2015) as those used by frequency and the ability of the application to achieve the desired marketing goal. The marketing strategies assessed were categorized first as transformational or informational and then further subcategorized by the way it is perceived by the consumer. This study confirmed the greater use of transformational messaging by the organic food industry.