M-26-7: The Promises That Were Made to a Never-Changing Nation

Olivia Ramirez, Dominican University of California


The Cuban Revolution of 1959 was supposed to establish income equality, universal health care, and abolish discrimination with the ideals that everyone is equal no matter the color of one's skin, yet discrimination is still present and embedded in the culture. Fidel Castro’s communist regime enacted anti-discrimination policies that were enforced. The Afro-Cuban population has lived in disadvantaged neighborhoods and had lower income wages than White Cubans due to the jobs that they have been able to attain. The remnants of slavery inhibited Afro-Cubans from having the same advantage as White Cubans. White Cubans received outside income coming primarily from family abroad. After universal education and health care were attainable for everyone Castro stated that he had eradicated racial inequality in Cuba but that was not the case. This paper is an analysis of the revolution and how Castro’s promises during the revolution to eradicate racial inequality did not materialize.

Apr 17th, 2:00 PM

M-26-7: The Promises That Were Made to a Never-Changing Nation

Guzman 104, Dominican University of California

The Cuban Revolution of 1959 was supposed to establish income equality, universal health care, and abolish discrimination with the ideals that everyone is equal no matter the color of one's skin, yet discrimination is still present and embedded in the culture. Fidel Castro’s communist regime enacted anti-discrimination policies that were enforced. The Afro-Cuban population has lived in disadvantaged neighborhoods and had lower income wages than White Cubans due to the jobs that they have been able to attain. The remnants of slavery inhibited Afro-Cubans from having the same advantage as White Cubans. White Cubans received outside income coming primarily from family abroad. After universal education and health care were attainable for everyone Castro stated that he had eradicated racial inequality in Cuba but that was not the case. This paper is an analysis of the revolution and how Castro’s promises during the revolution to eradicate racial inequality did not materialize.