Measuring Depression with the Hernandez Art Depression Assessment for Children: A Pilot Study Introducing a New Inventory to Measure Depression in Children with the Inclusion of Art Therapy

Graduation Date

Spring 2006

Document Type

Master's Thesis

Document Form


Degree Name

Master of Arts in Marriage and Family Therapy

Degree Granting Institution

Notre Dame de Namur University

Program Name

Art Therapy


Lizbeth Martin, PhD

First Reader

Richard Carolan, EdD, ATR-BC

Second Reader

Gwen Sanders, MFT, ART-BC


This was a pilot study introducing a new art therapy assessment called the Hernandez Art Depression Assessment for Children (HADA). The hypothesis was that HADA will screen children with depression with the use of art. HADA was compared with the Children Depression Inventory to support the validity of the study. Twenty six elementary school students, ages 6 to 10 years old participated in this study. Ten students scored moderate to severe depression in the CDI, and 5 to 9 depressive indicators in HADA. The findings suggested that HADA and the CDI correlate. The results showed that people scoring depression in the CDI, showed depressive indicators in their drawings for HADA. More trials and revision may occur since this is a pilot study for HADA. Several implications were drawn for future research.

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