Fundraising and Ethics
Publication Date
American Council on Education : Macmillan Publishers
In this timely and basic resource, a diverse collection of essays defines the ethical issues in 17 central areas of concern and offers a starting point for means of resolution or policy development in regard to them. The topics include: the social responsibility of colleges and universities on issues such as South Africa, sexual harassment, cheating and plagiarism, faculty evaluation, development and fund raising, admission, problems encountered in scientific research, special concerns related t the presidency, athletics, affirmative action, multicultural and ethnic relations and academic planning. This volume also includes three issues that have emerged in the last several years: racism on campus, free speech by student groups and publications, and the control of student social behavior. It shows how institutional culture defines ethical behavior and how it can be developed, changed, analyzed, and made part of organizational fabric. The volume presents and elaborates on a set of principles of responsibility for academic institutions. Colleges and universities are challenged to attend to the moral dimension of education and the educational enterprise that should give shape to the transmission of knowledge, research sills, and professional competence.
Book Title
Ethics and Higher Education
Bill May
New York City